Happy Customers
· You can’t reason with a cat but you sure can block access! The Paws-Free Toilet Paper COver is one of the greates inventions of all time, right up there with the printing press and the steam engine. I’s adorable, perfectly designed and so much simpler than installing a new toilet paper roll holder with an ugly metal cover. We have two but we are thinking of buying some more so we can change them seasonally. HR, New York, NY
· LOVE the Paws-Free Toilet Paper Cover. It has changed my life! As a long time forster kitten mom who often times keeps litters in the bathroom and who for years has not been able to have the toilet paper on the dispenser, I am so delighted to once again enjoy the luxury of having a roll at hand… And it looks cute too! Thanks Paws-Free! Sarah Rayner Velenyi, Pet Shop, La Jolla, CA
· My cat is confused because he doesn’t know where the toilet paper roll went. I love my new Paws-Free Toilet Paper Cover! It saved my life! Jennifer, Las Vegas, NV
· My cat is a super sweet cat until I lock her in the bathroom, be it a party I want to protect her from (sais fairly anti-social) or the plumber coming to fix the kitchen sink, it doesn’t matter. If I don’t let hear roam the entire house, my cuddly kitty will turn into a treat-powered paper shredder. If she does it out of boredom or pure vengeance I’ll never know. But I got one of these Paws-Free Toilet Paper Covers to test and I did go through 2 entire toilet paper rolls that only I enjoyed, Bottom line: My tuxie Phoenix hates. I like it a lot. Daniela, Taildom.com.
· Cat Devils Beware, the Paws-Free Toilet Paper Cover is here! I found this super effective product at the San Diego Pet Expo. It was introduced to me by the video playing at the booth which was histerically funny because it was so real…
· Some cats are little devils just like mine, they go nuts over toilet paper. When my BElla gets these kitty spurts, she reams the toilet paper and like the cats in the video, looks like she’s just overdosed with catnip. I came home with one that matched my bathroom decor and I set it up right away. The product is hand made in the US and sales are directed by the inventor. The cover is very well made, built to last. It comes in dozens of colors and patterns, some playful, some with holiday themes, some more settled. Lady Bee, Pet Blogger for PetsLady.com.
· This is an ingenious product for households with cats, dogs or children who enjoy playing with toilet paper rolls. It’s hand made in San Diego, CA. It protects the toilet paper from those paws and little hands that love to waste it. Very easy to install and use, and there is a huge assortment of fabric patterns and prints so I’m sure you will find the one that’s perfect for your bathroom. This cover is so economic, it will pay for itself in a matter of days. Watch the video to see the problem this unique product solves! This product makes a perfect housewarming gift for pet owners. Check it out! Marisela, Monrovia, CA.
· I just bought my second cover. The seller is very helpful and great to work with. The product is a creative solution, and very well made. I am now having them make two custom covers for me. Ana, Tucson, AZ.
· Had an issue on my end and the seller really went above and beyond to help me out and make sure everything worked the way it should. This product is a life saver! I love it and love that it keeps me from having to come home to shredded toilet paper every day. Thanks so much! Melanie, Los Angeles, CA.
· This product is wonderful! It is the best solution for the toilet paper shredding problem many of us have with our pets. My kitty no longer attacks the toilet paper which she did on a nightly basis. Thank you Paws-Free! Steph, Corona, CA.